Solar Ovens

Monday, August 8, 2011

Preparedness lessons from Dilbert part 1

This comic strip pretty much speaks for itself. But just in case, here's something to think about. Don't tell anyone how prepared you really are. Just this last week I had a neighbor who isn't very prepared, jokingly say they would just come to my house when things got bad. Ha ha. But it's not really funny. I'm a single mom, sacrificing every day to get prepared, & I'm supposed to even laugh about suddenly having to feed 3 other people? And even though people say it jokingly, what about if things really are bad? What would your friends, or even family be willing to do if their children were starving? I personally would rather not find out. So unless it's someone you're prepared to take care of, or someone on your preparedness team, who you are planning on working with during bad times, don't let them know how prepared you are. You can always say "I have a couple weeks worth", which is true, even if you had 10 years worth.
Also, don't have any of your food or other preparedness things visible to visitors to your home, even repair men.
If someone comes asking for help when things get bad; unless you're willing to let them move in & feed them, say no you don't have any to spare. You can always leave something for them later anonymously. That way you can help them, without them showing up every day. You can't possibly store enough to feed everyone. I'm all for helping people, but do it on your terms, & don't put your family & supplies at risk. And if you think of a good response for those people who say they're just coming to my house, let me know!


  1. To my neighbors who think I'll feed them.
    "We'll just come to your house."
    "That's what my gun is for. You and every other starving person who refused to save for a rainy day."
    Say it just as jokingly as they said their comment but they'll get the message.

  2. I think the tone of your reply is everything. Great suggestion.
